The Usher’s Ministry stands watch at Rising Star in ways that go well beyond the scope of being just an usher. This ministry does everything from give first-time visitors their first smile, to maintaining the discipline and order during worship services. The ushers at Rising Star are also active in the community and on the state and national levels. There are senior ushers and junior ushers and even something for those in the middle.
Sister PJ Dean, Ministry
Senior Ushers

Junior Ushers


Are Greeters Important?
YES They Are!
- The greeter in the church is the first impression of the church.
- The greeter has to be friendly, helpful and personal to every member.
- The greeter represents our Pastor and the entire Rising Star family.
- The greeter is the front line connection to Rising Star.
- Greeters welcome members and first-time visitors each morning because the first impression plays a key role in whether or not people will continue worshiping at our church. Visiting any church is like going to a restaurant for the first time. How you are treated when you walk through the door is a deciding factor on whether or not you will stay.
- Greeters at Rising Star are family oriented, help set a pleasant atmosphere, and are friendly, warm and caring. Anyone who loves to smile and make people feel welcome can be a greeter.
There is a schedule for greeters based on Sunday morning services and events as needed. There is no required uniform to be a greeter. The greeters meet every third Friday of the month from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
- If you love to smile...
- If you love welcoming people...
- If you love Rising Star... We would love for you to become a Greeter!